Male Only Yoga Classes

Mar 4, 2020 | Fitness

Most of the known founders of modern yoga were male; however, nowadays many classes seem to be made up almost entirely of females. We want to break the stigma of men practising yoga and provide everyone with a space in which they feel comfortable practising something new

Many famous male athletes have credited yoga with keeping them fit and ready through years of tough training. David Beckham, LeBron James and even the whole New Zealand All Blacks rugby team have credited yoga as an important part of their routine.  The world’s number one tennis player Novak Djokovic has even said he gains so many benefits from yoga that he practices “at least once a day”.

A common concern amongst men is that their bodies will not be suited to the yoga poses due to their lack of flexibility. However, flexibility is not a prerequisite for yoga! The beauty of the practice is the options available within each pose. There will always be a way to tailor the moves to suit your body, strength and flexibility level whilst still maintaining the same benefits as everybody else. It is no surprise that each pose will get easier with regular practice. Yoga will inevitably improve your flexibility over time but there are many more benefits to be gained from the practice! It will also build muscle strength and resilience, burn calories and improve your general fitness and wellbeing.

male only yoga class

Although it may seem that more strenuous sports work best for your muscles, yoga’s slow and steady techniques decrease your risk of injury. Regular practice will train your mind to handle discomfort and pushing yourself without putting too much physical impact on your muscles and joints. Yoga poses stretch out important muscles in your back, legs and arms that can aid chronic pain. Working yoga into your weekly routine is a great way to ensure your muscles are being adequately stretched and prepared for more strenuous activity.

When you are a beginner to yoga, it is normal to feel intimidated by suddenly being asked to contort your body into positions you are not used to. However, yoga is all about clearing the mind and looking within. More than in any other fitness class, yoga must be about reflection and self-improvement. Looking at the way others practice yoga will not always help you – everybody will practice slightly differently in a way that is comfortable to them!

male only yoga class

To get the most out of your yoga practice, it is important to be in an environment that makes you feel secure and relaxed. Our Male Only Yoga Classes allow men who may not be used to yoga classes to workout with like-minded people without the worry of feeling self-conscious or inexperienced. Join us on Tuesday nights from 6.30pm – 7.15pm. To book, call 01698 622401 or click here.