Benefits of Pilates

Nov 5, 2020 | Fitness

Pilates is a series of stretches and exercises that focus on your core strength and aim to strengthen the body in an even way. Many athletes and celebrities alike have credited pilates to keeping their physique in top condition.

Pilates is a great way for fitness fanatics to get that entire-body workout that they crave. However, it’s also an accessible method for beginners to practice low-impact flexibility, strength and endurance movements.

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The exercises that you will practice during a pilates class are specifically designed to build strength and muscle. Over time, you will feel pilates help to tone your entire body.

Regular pilates can improve your posture, balance and flexibility. This is particularly helpful if you are an athlete who feels they need to work on their form. It can also be helpful if, for example, you have been working from home and feel the long hours of sitting at your desk are hindering your posture and putting strain on your body.

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The stretching that pilates provides your muscles with can decrease pains and tensions as well as helping joint mobility. These factors are great for reducing the risk of future injury.

Not only does practicing pilates provide you with all of these physical benefits, it can also positively impact your mental wellbeing. During practice, there is emphasis  on the connection between the body and mind that encourages you to be mindful and listen to your body. The endorphins released during exercise combined with this focus on how your body feels will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated as well as reduce any stress or tension you have been feeling.

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Our Pilates Class takes place every Wednesday from 7.30 pm – 8.15 pm. Whether you are a beginner or more advanced, our expert trainer will guide you through the class, providing multiple options to suit you. Our classes are an inclusive, friendly and supportive environment; we want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable trying or advancing these fantastic forms of exercise. If you’re looking for pilates near me Click here to book in.

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